February 3, 2023

How to Overcome an Addiction to Fast Food

Fast food has become a common staple in the diet of many people. The recent controversy over how unhealthy fast food is has led many individuals to start looking for effective ways to break their fast food habits and choose healthier meal options. Regardless of why you choose fast food, it is important to understand that you can break the habit. Following these tips can help you decrease your fast food consumption and may steer you towards a healthier way of eating. 1.Stock your pantry, refrigerator and freezer with healthy foods.  Always keep a stock of healthy items at home. This will allow...

How to Get Enough Protein on a Raw Food Diet

While your raw food diet probably provides most of the nutrients you need, you may want to make sure you're getting enough protein. Keep reading to learn about the protein-rich plant and animal foods that will help you meet your dietary needs! Eating Protein from Plant-Based Sources 1.Select a variety of fruit. Many types of fruit contain 4 – 8% protein. This is less than many other high-protein plant sources, but eating a variety of high-protein fruits can boost your protein intake and ensure you get other vital nutrients. 2.Enjoy some leafy greens. Many vegetables contain protein, but leafy greens in particular pack...

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